Types of Abuse: Examples, Signs, and More

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While many people have a stereotypical view of what constitutes abuse, the reality is that abuse can be many things beyond the physical. This is often a confusing point for women in difficult situations, as they might be asking themselves if what they experienced is abuse. In this guide to types of abuse, we’ll go over different types of abuse, provide examples, and document some signs that might point to abuse.

Types of Abuse

As mentioned above, there are different types of abuse, some visible and some not. Types of abuse include:

  • Physical Abuse

  • Sexual Abuse

  • Emotional Abuse

  • Financial Abuse

  • Technological Abuse

  • Neglect

Another frequently discussed type of abuse is domestic abuse, which can encompass any and all of the above mentioned types of abuse. Domestic abuse is defined as any abuse that happens in the context of an intimate relationship or family unit. As such, it can be emotional or financial abuse as much as it could be physical.

Types of Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is perhaps the most well known and documented type of abuse. It involves any use of physical violence for intentional bodily injury. This can involve, hitting, choking, slapping, shoving, pinching, use of physical restraints, or use of drugs.

Signs of Physical Abuse

Some signals of physical abuse are subtle, and some are much more obvious. Signs of physical abuse can include:

  • Visible signs of physical injury (bruising, cuts, scratches, etc)

  • Unexplained or unconvincingly explained injury (“I fell down the stairs,”)

  • Wearing long sleeved clothing or clothing that covers up the body

  • Broken eyeglasses

  • Evidence of restraints

  • Changes in behavior on the part of the vulnerable party

  • Refusal on part of abuser to leave vulnerable party alone

It is also important to listen when a vulnerable party reports abuse.

Types of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is defined as any unwanted sexual contact. This can range from inappropriate or unwanted touching to rape, coerced nudity, sexual photographs, etc.

Sexual Abuse Signs

Due to the nature of sexual abuse and societal stigma around it, it can sometimes be difficult to detect sexual abuse.

  • Signs of sexual abuse include:

  • Bruising around any erogenous zones (breasts, genitals, etc)

  • Unexplained sexually transmitted infections or infected genitals

  • Unexplained vaginal or anal bleeding

  • Torn, stained, or otherwise damaged underwear

It is also vital to believe any individual that claims sexual abuse.

Types of Emotional Abuse

Emotional or mental abuse is deliberately causing mental or emotional pain to another. Examples of mental or emotional abuse include intimidation, belittling, coercion to do an action, harassment, stalking, enforcing isolation from friends or family, isolation from normal/regular activities, controlling behavior, and yelling to induce mental distress.

Emotional Abuse Signs

Emotional abuse is one of the most common types of abuse, but it is often difficult to detect due to its non-physical nature. It’s very important to observe the behavior and emotional state of a vulnerable party for any changes, particularly changes that cannot be explained. 

Signs of emotional abuse or mental abuse include:

  • Emotional volatility

  • Withdrawing from key relationships

  • Behavior attributed to dementia in the case of elders

  • Nervousness around certain individuals

  • Withdrawing from work or other commitments

  • Becoming nonresponsive or cutting off communication

It is also important to listen when vulnerable parties report mental or emotional abuse. 

Types of Financial Abuse

Financial abuse, or exploitation, is the manipulation of finances or other material circumstances to profit the abuser or to force the vulnerable party into staying near the individual or increasing the abuser’s capacity to control. Examples of financial abuse include controlling bank accounts, stealing, limiting access to personal finances or assets, limiting information about finances, leveraging immigration status and jeopardizing capacity to work, withholding of paychecks or benefits, controlling actions such that work is jeopardized or the victim is fired, controlling or micromanaging spending, withdrawing the vulnerable party’s funds, taking out loans in the name of the vulnerable party, etc.

Financial Abuse Signs

Signs of financial abuse include:

  • Difficulty in the workplace (showing up late, no call/no show, etc)

  • Proclaimed ignorance of personal finances

  • Sudden decline in credit score

  • New, large loans

  • Abuser “takes care” of all the finances

  • Abuser withholds information or access to money

Financial abuse is present in many instances of domestic abuse; a recent Forbes article claimed that 99% of domestic abuse cases involved some form of financial abuse. It is also one of the most difficult to detect, as it tends to happen gradually to the vulnerable party and, perhaps, before they realize what is occurring. It is particularly difficult to recover from when sharing a joint account.

Types of Technological Abuse

Technological abuse is an unfortunate byproduct of the modern age; it is defined as any action taken on the part of the abuser to control via monitoring the motion, location, and communication of the victim. Examples of technological abuse include monitoring phone use, preventing phone use, monitoring web use, using location services to track motions, harassment via social media, locking out of social media, impersonating others online to monitor, and otherwise isolating a vulnerable person from the outside digital world.

Technological Abuse Signs

Signs of technological abuse include:

  • Withdrawing from communication

  • Changes in social media tone (as if someone were watching or writing for them)

  • Reticence to leave the house

  • General fear of communication

Technological abuse can be difficult to detect as it often comes in the form of monitoring or surveillance, but it is no less insidious than other forms of abuse. It is an effective way to control a victim and isolate them from even feeling capable of communication with the outside world, let alone seeking help. 

Types of Neglect

Neglect is another form of abuse. By depriving a vulnerable person, child or adult, of adequate care, neglect damages their wellbeing. Examples of neglect include withholding food, medicine, hygienic supplies, clothing, shelter, healthcare: anything that would damage a person’s physical and/or mental health.

Signs of Neglect

Signs of neglect include:

  • Dehydration and/or malnutrition
    Poor body odor

  • Poor overall physical hygiene

  • Signs of medication withdrawal

  • Unsafe living conditions

  • Unsanitary living conditions (lice, bedbugs, garbage, etc)

  • Reports of neglect

Elders, people with disabilities, and children are especially susceptible to neglect.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Yelling a Form of Domestic Abuse?

Yes. Yelling falls under the category of mental or emotional abuse, as it can make the victim feel unsafe and threatened, negatively affecting their mental health.

Can abuse consist of a threat?

Yes. Threatening negatively affects mental and emotional wellbeing, therefore it is a form of mental abuse.

Is bullying a type of abuse?

Yes. Bullying negatively affects emotional wellbeing and can involve physical violence, so it certainly is a type of abuse.

Is disclosing a type of abuse?

Disclosing one’s immigration status, gender or sexuality, or other information not wanted can seriously damage mental and emotional wellbeing, not to mention endanger an individual. Therefore, this constitutes as abuse.


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