Remembering those who are suffering on Mother’s Day


Written By Andraya Thomson

remembering those on mothers day

Remembering those who are suffering on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is for honoring the love and sacrifice of mothers around the world, yet for some… the memories aren’t warm and flowery.

Perhaps you, or someone you care about find themselves trying to navigate through painful circumstances in which Mother’s Day is uncomfortable, or even agonizing. In situations involving complex trauma, domestic and sexual violence; Mother’s Day can drudge up triggering memories. 

Be it a messy custody situation, children with resentment towards a mother for leaving (or not leaving) their abuser, an abusive mother, a partner who uses children as leverage for entrapment, being unable to have children, abortion, foster care placement, a child given up for adoption, or the loss, injury, or death of a child; Mother’s Day can bring heartache. 

Often, these sensitive matters can result in one silently struggling, in life, and at home; however, hope that can be found in knowing that there are others out there who understand, who in past or presently, may be in a similar situation, and that help is available at no cost to victims. 

At &Rise, we empower women to be the ultimate versions of themselves no matter what adversities they are facing, and offer free educational resources, counseling, support groups and coaching to help women rise above their trauma so they can heal and flourish. 

In our free in-person and remote online support groups, we see women experiencing such grievances and feelings, find comfort in others who can relate and emotionally meet them right where they’re at in that moment. Hearing other survivor stories and testimonies can empower victims of abuse to recognize their situation for what it truly is, inspire hope that it is escapable, and motivate them to take action towards freedom from abuse.

If you, a loved one, or friend, are currently struggling this Mother’s Day; you/they are not alone, are deserving of honor and respect, and are worth it. Your/their feelings are valid. The future can get better, and a healing journey can begin. The first step of the process for someone who is feeling hopeless and trapped, may be as simple as an act of reaching out, for yourself, or someone you care about. Free, trauma-informed coaching and resources are available to victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and trauma. You can reach out for assistance at anytime, from anywhere, to &Rise for more information.

Please remember, as you send well-wishes to all the mom’s and women you want to honor in your life; it never hurts to thoughtfully reach out to the ones who may be suffering and show them an act of kindness. It can be tempting to turn a blind-eye to uncomfortable situations; however, life-changing hope and a fresh start on a healing journey is accessible. No situation is too hopeless. Whether it be for yourself or someone you care about, the time to reach out is now.


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